1. The following words and expressions, whenever the same occur in this bylaw, shall have the following meaning:
  1. "PESTICIDE": any herbicide or insecticide which is
  1. any substance that is intended, sold or represented for use in preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating, directly or indirectly, any pest,
  2. any substance that is a pest control product within the meaning of the Pest Control Act (Canada) or is intended for use as a pest control product,
  3. any substance that is a plant growth regulator, a defoliant or a plant desiccant,
  4. a fertilizer within the meaning of the Fertilizers Act (Canada) that contains a substance referred to in subclause – i. ii. iii. or
  5. any substance designated as a pesticide in the regulations to the Environment Act, but does not include a substance that is intended , sold or represented for use in potable water to prevent or destroy bacteria, parasites, or viruses if the substance is not a pest control product within the meaning of the Pest Control Products Act (Canada).

b) "PESTICIDE APPLICATION" means the application and use of pesticides for the

maintenance of outdoor trees, shrubs, other ornamental plants and turf on the part

of a property used for residential purposes or on property of the municipality.

c) "PESTICIDE ACTION OFFICER" means any person designated for such purpose by

the Metro Toronto Council.

d) "CERTIFIED APPLICATOR" means any person, firm, or corporation any part of

whose business involves the application and use of pesticides.

e) "CITY OF TORONTO" means the Regional Municipality of Toronto.


  1. No person shall carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out a pesticide application within the City of Toronto between June 1, 2001 and September 30, 2001.

  3. Effective March 1, 2001, the application of pesticides is prohibited:
  1. when the wind is blowing in excess of 10 km/hr;
  2. on trees during their blooming period;
  3. when the air temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius;
  4. when a smog alert or advisory is called;
  5. when it has not rained for seven consecutive days;
  6. when it is raining;
  1. Effective March 1,2001, the application of pesticides is prohibited on the grounds:
  1. of a hospital;
  2. of a nursing home;
  3. of a medical building;
  4. of a school;
  5. of a day care centre;
  6. of a senior citizen’s residence;
  7. of a religious institution;
  8. of a park;
  9. of a community centre

unless and until a permit for a general application or a restricted application of pesticides has been specifically approved by ??????


  1. Upon completion of a general application or a restricted application of a pesticide,
  1. warning signs shall be placed or installed within 2 metres of, and be clearly visible from every street, sidewalk, lane or public place adjacent to the property where the Pesticide has been applied;
  2. warning signs shall be placed or installed every ??? (check provincial regs) along the side of the property in question adjacent to said street, sidewalk, lane or public place;
  3. warning signs shall be written in English and the four most commonly used languages used in the City of Toronto;
  4. a full list of products applied and a skull and crossbones will be placed on the front of the sign;

(d) residents of properties where pesticides are applied will be provided with a written warning advising them to stay off the treated area for a period of at least one week.


  1. Effective March 1, 2002, the application of pesticides is prohibited within the City of Toronto.


  3. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Bylaw, the following pesticide applications are permitted and the provisions of the Bylaw do not apply to these exclusions:
  1. dormant oil on fruit trees as a preventative measure only; and
  2. those pesticides which are identified as "Permitted Pesticides" by the City of Toronto Council;
  3. in a public or private swimming pool;
  4. to purify water intended for the use of human beings or animals;
  5. as a wood preservative;
  6. inside a building.
  1. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Bylaw, a pesticide application may be carried out to control or destroy plants or insects if such plant or insect constitutes a danger for human beings, provided that:
  1. such pesticide application is specifically permitted by the Pesticide Action Guy for that purpose
  2. any such application shall be limited to the plant or insect which constitutes the danger;
  3. the directions on the label or packaging of such pesticide shall be followed;
  4. the area upon which a pesticide has been applied shall be clearly identified by a sign as an area upon which a pesticide has been applied and which should be avoided, for a period of at least one week following such application.
  1. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Bylaw, the applications of a pesticide on a golf course is permitted during the five (5) year period following the date this Bylaw came into force provided that:
  1. the pesticide is applied by a certified applicator only;
  2. the pesticide is stored in a fire resistant and secured storage area which shall conform to the guidelines;
  3. the person or organization operating the golf course must maintain an up-to-date inventory list of each pesticide used or stored on the golf course and also the safety data sheets for each pesticide he has applied or which is stored on the golf course. This information must be provided to the municipality upon request;
  4. in the month of January of every calendar year, the person or organization who operates a golf course upon which a pesticide has been applied in the preceding calendar year or who intends to apply a pesticide in the following calendar year shall submit to the Municipality a written report of all the measures which have been taken to control and limit the application of pesticides, together with a detailed inventory of each pesticide applied during the preceding calendar year and a schedule outlining in detail the dates and times when a pesticide has been applied and the dates and times when he/she anticipates that a pesticide might be applied in the following year;
  5. notwithstanding any provisions of this Bylaw, when a pesticide will be or has been applied to a portion of a golf course, signs (as described in section 5) shall be placed every 16 metres along the perimeter of the area upon which the pesticide has been or will be applied.

From the day following the fifth anniversary of the date this Bylaw came into force, this Bylaw shall apply to the application of a pesticide on a golf course as it would to the application of a pesticide on any other property within the Municipality.