Inside Halton News Report – regarding May 1 Pre Hearing report related to Potential development of Saw-whet golf course
Parkway Belt West Plan July 1978
Merton Planning Study report -staff did not say that the Merton Lands were to be open space only
May 1, 10am meeting- handout advising how to become a Participant
April 29 2015-Province has reconsidered its position & will not seek any designation order relating to either the Deerfield lands or the Third Line lands
April 20 2015-Province seeks Party Status regarding Developing Deerfield Golf Course
April 14th meeting -Oakville Beaver Report
April 14th meeting handout advising how to become a Participant
April 14th Presentation by Councillor Elgar
Important Meeting April 14 about potential development of Saw-whet Golf Course
Last year a developer submitted an application to build about 785 houses and 2 multi-story buildings on what is now Saw-whet Golf Course. There was a loud public outcry against the plan. Hundreds of you wrote passionate letters to the Mayor and Council and attended meetings that attracted overflowing crowds.
Largely as a result of the public outcry and incomplete environmental studies, Council did not pass the subdivision plan for Saw-whet. The mayor promised to save all of the Merton Lands of which Saw-whet is part in his inaugural speech on Dec. 1, 2014. (Deerfield is also part of Merton Lands).
But last fall the developer side-stepped your elected Council’s wishes by taking the development plan to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). I find it deeply frustrating that an un-elected OMB member has the power to trump the wishes of your elected representatives. The pre-hearing is set for May 1 and the hearing is scheduled to start in October.
So now, once again the public needs to speak up – this time to the OMB.
What can you do?
Have your say at the hearing: Find out how to voice your thoughts at the hearing, by attending a public meeting:
April 14, 7 pm, Halton Region Bldg., 1151 Bronte Rd.
Read more about this development plan, and the costs of growth in the Ward 4 section of “Let’s Talk Oakville” magazine that should be in your mailbox soon | |
Tell your friends and neighbours about this issue. Ask them to email me so I can add their contact info to my data base and keep as many people engaged as possible. |
As always, please feel free to contact me with questions or comments on this issue and other matters of Municipal or Regional importance.
Allan Elgar, Region of Halton and Town of Oakville Councillor (416-709-0082)
Merton Planning Study – the biggest issue facing Ward 4
March 24 2015 Letter from Bronte Green’s lawyer regarding 2nd Prehearing Conference
Feb 3 2015 Memorandum of Oral Decision 1st Prehearing regarding Saw-whet lands
Dec 1 2014 Inaugural Meeting-Mayor Burton States-“we will save all of the Merton Lands”
Minister Flynn at Langtry Park announces saving all Provincially owned lands from development in the Merton Study Area
Aug 27 2014: Province withdraws development application for a portion of Merton lands
Email from Infrastructure Ontario to Mayor Burton June 4 2014 confirming the Province’s commitment to save Merton lands from development
Letter From Minister of Infrastructure April 29 2014
March 26 Oakville News– Merton Lands Need Not be rezoned
News Release from Councillor Elgar March 12 2014
Merton Lands Under Threat
Photo Essay of What Could be Lost (by Lisa Kirton)
–March 7 2014 Merton Planning Study
–Feb 26 2014 Regional request to Province re: Greenbelt
–Feb 14 2014 Letter MPP Flynn to Minister Murray
–Feb10 2014-Growing the Greenbelt by Julia Le
–Motion endorsed by Oakville Council
–Map of land to be included in expansion of Greenbelt
–Merton Planning Study includes approx 234 gross hectares including Saw Whet Golf Course, Deerfield Golf Course and various other properties as detailed in the staff reports
Golf Courses lining up for tax refunds
Good news about Merton
This morning a press conference was held to announce some good news about the preservation of some land near Third Line and QEW that had previously been slated for development. Below are the details. In my opinion, this is a great first step toward preserving all of the land within the Merton Study area.
Hope you had a great summer and a smooth transition back to fall routines.
Allan Elgar
September 3, 2014
Oakville – MPP Kevin Flynn, Mayor Rob Burton and Town Councillors confirmed today that Infrastructure Ontario has officially withdrawn its planning application for the Merton lands in WestOak Trails/Glen Abbey area. This move builds on MPP Flynn’s and Council’s long history of providing political leadership for those citizens advocating for sustainable development and conservation in Oakville. The Third Line lands include parcels of land owned by Infrastructure Ontario and leased to the Town of Oakville. The news affirms the Ontario government’s and Oakville Town Council’s commitment to the protection of green spaces by keeping these lands in public ownership.
In February 2014, MPP Flynn wrote to then-Minister of Infrastructure to ask that any plans to sell sensitive lands included in the natural heritage system of the Fourteen Mile Creek system be cancelled. As a result, Minister Murray made clear his intent to keep the lands in public ownership by retaining the existing leases per the original agreements. The leases on the Town of Oakville properties run until 2040 and Minister Murray has encouraged Infrastructure Ontario to find opportunities to work with Deerfield Golf Course to extend the lease beyond its current expiry date of 2022.
In conjunction with MPP Flynn’s efforts, Town Council unanimously directed planning staff to add consideration of the impact from the terms and policies in the new, greener Provincial Policy Statement on land use planning, to the terms of reference for the Merton Lands Study. Council also directed staff to consider how the Province’s new policy toward protecting “working landscapes” might apply to the two golf courses, Saw-whet and Deerfield, in the Merton Lands.
Infrastructure Ontario is withdrawing its Merton Lands planning application as a result of action taken by MPP Flynn and Council. This adds to a strong track record of co-operation when it comes to preserving Oakville’s green space. Together the Liberal government and Oakville Council have saved over 2300 acres of environmental lands across Oakville, and protected an additional 124,000 acres of environmental lands across Halton in the enhanced Halton Natural System, including of over 400 hectares of environmentally sensitive lands including forests, creeks, wetlands and valley lands. By making the right decisions and standing up to opposition, the Ontario government and Oakville Town Council has acted to ensure that future generations have preserved natural lands to enjoy.
“I am very pleased to see the land along Third Line staying as a part of Oakville’s green space. After working with many neighbourhood associations, conservation groups, the town, the region and numerous ministries, we have found a solution that works in the best interests of those in our community who favour responsible preservation of our green space.” – Kevin Flynn, MPP Oakville
“This is very welcome news and an essential part of protecting and preserving as much green space as possible in Oakville. Protecting green space has been a key element of Council’s strategy to control growth in Oakville. I know that residents support our vision to be Canada’s greenest and most livable town.” – Oakville Mayor Rob Burton
“This is fantastic news for the residents of Oakville. I believe the province’s decision not to develop the Third Line lands is largely the result of the hard work of our MPP, Kevin Flynn, who ensured that the decision makers at the province were aware of the strong outcry against the development plan.” – Allan Elgar, Ward 4 Town and Regional Councillor.
For more information contact:
Elizabeth Young
Communications Director
Office of Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn
The Essex Decision dated Dec 30, 2002 PL001187 refer to page 44